Did you know that our personality plays an important role in how we behave and also how it influences our daily habits that build the quality of our life and lifestyle? Believe it or not, but it doesn’t limit here, it plays a critical role in our skincare habits and concerns too. Our personality type has a bigger effect on how and which product is important for us to buy, further affecting our skincare habits and routine.

Here are four interesting personality types that reflect your personal care habits and which skincare products you search for.

The Zero Hero: You spend no or little time on skincare and believe in washing off with ‘water’ as a quick solution to all cleansing, toning, and moisturizing needs of the skin. You are not fussy about skincare and many times prefer to use the same body soap, wash, or liquid on your face and hair. You don’t prioritize what brand to select or care anything about the ingredients that are mentioned on the tube. You don’t feel the need to understand your skin type, its problems, or needs but just need a cleansing agent to cleanse the daily dust and germs. You find skincare product search time-consuming and expensive.

Pros: Someone who doesn’t spend time on skincare products or routine tend to save a lot of time and money from buying the wrong products for the skin.  You tend to keep your mind away from any kind of trendy products that may cause possible damage to the current state of skin which is completely fine.

Cons: Washing off skin with only water can be harsh to the skin. None of the skincare problems can be resolved by water. Additionally, using body wash or soaps for face and hair can be harmful because many brands include lye and Sodium Laureth sulfates as a harsh foaming ingredient that strips your skin’s natural oils causing more oil generation, dryness, or sensitivity.


The Minimalist: You prefer to choose less for your skin, limiting it mostly to cleansing and moisturizing so that your skin is comfortable or less tight. You are not too fussy about brands and their claims on the tube or bottles. You are aware of your skin type and wish to keep the skincare routine to minimal to combat your oil or dry skin matters on daily basis. You follow a basic skincare routine with limited products for a long time and keep the confusion of new brands and their claims at the bay.

Pros: Mostly being minimalist in nature, the choice of your products is limited to cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. The multi-step skincare routine is not relatable and living frugally makes sense to you when it comes to skincare.

Cons: Being limited with skincare steps, many times can you miss the crucial step like exfoliation or treating your skin problems like acne, aging, dark spots, dark circles, etc. with correct products. Being frugal with your skincare doesn’t allow you to play around with new products with possible skincare benefits.


The Trend-seeker: You take your skincare extremely seriously. You expect quick and visible results from your skincare products. You have numerous options of cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, and masks ready for your changing needs of skincare and its issues. You follow the beauty influencers for trendy product reviews and their multi-step skincare routine as solutions to your skincare needs. You are not hesitant to study, experiment, and spend time and money on buying new products.

Pros: Being enthusiastic about skincare you are open to advise and suggestions. You are particular about your skincare routine and would not miss steps to perfect skincare, including the required treatments. You are aware of the products and their accurate benefits.

Cons: Playing and experimenting with products and having a multi-step routine can be harmful to your skin causing sensitivity and irritation with time. Sticking to core products is necessary to treat the skin concerns and allow the effects to show up as per the stated time.


The Jaribooti Ved: You don’t trust any market products but only homemade remedies for skin and hair care and issues. You go for DIY formulas with your kitchen ingredients or personally formulate your great-grandmother recipes or are influenced by YouTube instant natural care remedies. To you, chemicals or any harsh skincare products are a big No as they either have caused major harm to your skin in the past or you are concerned about having them in the future.

Pros: Your belief in natural ingredients and their benefits is unshakeable. You avoid the use of trendy or harsh chemical-based products and keep your skincare clean and natural. Proven recipes keep you motivated to continue the use of kitchen ingredients that are safe to use and show the effects of the proven formulas.

Cons: You spend a lot of time developing the DIY recipes and that takes away some of your valuable time as some remedies are successful while others fail to give results. Lack of knowledge of the skin type and kitchen ingredients doesn’t solve the skin issues, in fact, wrongly formulated recipes increase concerns of the skin. Your lack of awareness also influences you to believe the wrong brands of calming herbal and organic products.


Spending time on knowing your skin type and analyzing it once every year with an expert is important, especially after major life-changing events such as pregnancy, menopause, stressful job, or change of place. Selecting the right products for your skin type can continue to provide the required hydration and exfoliation to prevent skin issues and also slow down the aging of the skin.

A skincare routine may sound like high-maintenance work, but in reality, it is essential at any age for the strength and structure of the skin cells.

There is always a first time to everything. If you are open to including a skincare routine then explore the 2 steps GO LESS skin care basic kit here https://goless.in/product/go-less-basic-skin-care-kit/


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