Three unknown reasons that are silently aging your skin.

Lack of use of organic or plant based skincare: In literal sense, we all know ‘you are what you eat’. The same applies to your choice of skincare consumption too. When organic and plant-based skincare is consumed by your body, the rich and original properties of plants and herbs organically frame your skin with a nutrition rich layer which are primarily great for the longevity of the skin. The ingredients of vegan skincare products are rich with natural vitamins and antioxidants that make them effective in treating skin issues.

Most of the premium, conventional and medicinal skincare are mainly filled with chemicals, or made out of genetically modified materials, animal by-products or by harming the environment. Skincare made this way usually leave a synthetic residue of chemicals over the skin. Even though they give results overnight, but has the condition to recur after sometime, causing increased sensitivity, reactions, irritation or acne on the skin.  This is not in the case of plant-based products, though the results are slow and gradual, they are long-lasting, hence perfect to battle the skin aging.

It is always best to change your skincare products from chemicals to plant-based, only when you know it is better way of life.

Too much use of active products: Most of the skincare products in the markets includes heavy use of active ingredients (ingredients that promises to resolve the particular skincare issues) which are mostly pharmaceutical drug or pesticides that are biologically active. They are mostly present in medicinal and premium skincare, promising the fast and effective solutions to your skin woes. The problem arises when too much of highly concentrated ingredients or using too many products at the same time causes irritation, dryness, redness and potential chemical burn. All these further contribute to damaging the natural elasticity of the skin, thus making skin age rapidly.

Too many products means too many active ingredients through product-layer steps, leading to excess of active ingredients on the skin. Hence, ‘it’s not a matter how you are resolving the skin issue, it matters what you are using to resolve.

Buying products on advice of non-experts: Instead of taking time out and paying attention to your skin and its problems, many unconsciously follow the popularity vote and opt for products that is advised by industry leaders, beauty influencers and sometimes also innocently advised by family and friends. But this is not always the best route, because every person’s skin is different and there is no one-size-fits all skincare solution. What had worked for your sister or best friend may not work for you. Both ingredients and moisturizing agents of anti-aging lotions, creams differs for particular skin type. While glycerin, aloe Vera or ceramides may worked for your friend but doesn’t guarantees the same for you. An individualized approach with help of an expert of the field is crucial to find skin products as per your age, lifestyle and need of long care of the skin.

Cutting on the guess work and following a skincare that is skin specific is the correct way to retain the youthfulness of the skin.

Explore products that are made with less ingredients with the focus to give more to your skin. Discover the limited range of GO LESS skin care products here


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