What causes hair fall and some personal observations and tips

Thinning and shedding of hair in both men and women have become common. And this can be demoralizing for either, affecting the self-confidence of the person. According to studies published by various academic journals, there are various reasons behind hair loss-causes ranging from hereditary issues, diet issues, and vitamin deficiencies to chronic health conditions. But below are a few of our observations that lead to major hair fall in both genders.

Extreme hair care

Excessive hair shedding can be seen when we overdo hair care. Coloring, moisturizing, perming, or excessive massaging could be damaging to your hair. The chemicals used in hair care styling products can cause damage to hair roots and make the scalp and hair dry and prone to breakage. Over time, the hair damage can lead to hair follicle damage causing hair loss. Failure to manage damaged hair follicles creates permanent bald spots.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hair loss can be temporary as well as a long-term problem based on the cause behind it. Hormonal imbalances lead to temporary hair loss problems due to pregnancy, post-pregnancy, thyroid or PCOD, or sometimes due to excessive medication. Although seasonal hair fall is short and doesn’t do major damage, it is important to analyze the reasons behind it in time to take subtle actions and cure hair problems at the earliest.

Stress or illness

Another major reason behind hair loss can be stress or any kind of illness. Sometimes excessive hair greying and hair shedding happened due to stress. Physical stress or mental stress also acts in a similar way to pressures. Any stressor on the body can cause hair growth to become arrested and when hair growth is arrested, it sheds. This is because stress causes the hormone cortisol to choke the hair follicles and result in the shedding of hair.

While limiting stress is not always easy, it is advisable to manage it at the early stage by going to a dermatologist and taking treatments.

Luckily, there are many ways to treat hair loss, depending on the cause. Here are some ways you can manage your hair fall. However, it is important to note that when it comes to hair, having patience and allowing time for hair growth is the solution.

Use a gentle and natural shampoo

When faced with hair loss, many of them aren’t sure where to look the help and often try to hide the problem by changing their hairstyle, buying products impulsively, or taking supplements clamming hair growth. However, the right way to start treating your hair correctly is by using a chemical-free shampoo, alternatively using a gentle and natural shampoo that will cleanse your hair and scalp without traumatizing it.

Wash and condition your hair without traumatizing it. Hair thinning and hair fall happen when the hair is fragile and damaged. Using the GO LESS shampoo can help you restore the moisture of the hair with every wash as it has coconut oil and castor oil. Applying this shampoo twice a week can help reduce breakage, split ends, and frizziness of hair. You can additionally apply a moisturizing conditioner after every shampoo to help detangle your hair.

Keeping short hair helps reduce the pressure on the scalp.

Sometimes, hair loss occurs because of factors that are beyond your control. Hair can become brittle, dry, thin, and damaged, and then keeping it that way only causes more hair damage. You can however prevent some hair loss by taking steps of keeping your hair and scalp healthy by keeping it short and easy to manage. Limiting your brushing or any kind of grooming can be a healthy habit to keep your hair on your scalp. Often, the best way to improve the health of your hair is to leave it alone as much as possible.

Avoid wearing hair tightly as pulled back bun or ponytail or use hair accessories.

Frequently wearing hairstyles that pull your hair can cause a type of hair loss called alopecia. Tight ponytails or buns create tension in your hair and can cause hair to break and appear thin. Further certain hair accessories – including pins and rubber bands cause hair breakage if used to hold hair tightly in one place. For healthy hair, it’s best to minimize the pulling of hair into hairstyles of extreme pull or the use of hair accessories causing some permanent damage.

The best way to prevent hair loss is to do less with your hair, limiting to basic cleansing and maintenance to keep the health of your hair.


Managing the breakouts on time helps.

Acnes are basically the breakouts that occur after a person has completed puberty (around 25 years), and it often subsides after a third decade but can persist till the age of 50. The underlying cause of acne is related to stress and hormonal changes. Adult breakouts basically result from clogged pores that contain sebum, dead skin, and other impurities. A good adult acne treatment requires to identify the problem from both internal and external aspects. However, maintaining a proper skincare routine and following some healthy skin habits can minimize breakouts and keep the skin clean and clear.

Continue to discover some 3 tips to manage adult acne.


Tip 1: Choose a chemical-free cleanser for your skin type.

If oil control and clogged pores are the primary concern use a gentle cleanser daily that deep cleans the excess oil and minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores without over-drying the skin. Picking a chemical-based or medicinal-based cleanser can be too harsh for the skin and it could irritate, over-dry, or make your skin sensitive. Too mild may not clean your skin adequately too. Hence it is important to find the perfect cleanser that is natural and chemical-free.

When it comes to your acne concerns, try GO LESS cleansing powder which is a unique, natural, and chemical-free face wash. Formulated with Rhossuol clay give your skin a gentle, lightly-forming solution without over-drying your skin. It helps remove the excess oil, dirt, and impurities of skin without new breakouts, leaving skin looking visibly clearer.



Tip 2: Protect skin with good sunscreen.

UV rays from the skin cause maximum skin damage so it is important to wear good sunscreen daily to protect your skin and reduce the damaging effects. However, certain types of sunscreen ( like the gels or the sticky ones) can cause or worsen acne if they contain ingredients that irritate the skin and clog your pores. It is important to use non-comedogenic sunscreen. Instead of using a chemical sunscreen that penetrates the UV rays into the skin and contributes to more acne, alternatively use a physical sunscreen that sits on the skin and reflects the UV rays.

Tip 3: Indulge in a Mask

Face masks are the go-to solution for acne and dark spot treatments. Whether you want to control the oil and cleanse the clogged pores a perfect clay mask can help you solve your skin problems. We recommend using a chemical-free and nondrying clay mask three times a week to brighten the appearance of dull skin and treat your skin with hydration and nourishments of plant-based extracts.

We recommend you use Go less Green Clay detoxifying mask that will help you draw out pore-clogging impurities and visibly minimize pores and reduce skin surface oil production in just one use. The deep cleansing formula of matcha tea and aloe vera extract is suitable for all skin types a can be used twice a week to promote a more refined and clear skin appearance.

Don’t overlook the benefits of using products that can solve your acne problems and help the appearance of your skin concerns like adult acne. However, it is important to live a balanced lifestyle by managing stress, and effective the hormones thereby causing adult acne.


When it comes to skincare, men have always kept it simple or nothing for their skin. This is mostly because traditionally men don’t feel the need of pursuing healthier skin or evaluate any skincare routine for younger-looking skin. But times have changed, and the thought process of gender is changing. They have embraced the idea of self-care and want to appear healthy and good.

It is important to note that everyone, including men, needs to identify a simple and effective skincare routine to keep healthy skin. Fortunately, there is an easy solution for men with dry skin to tackle the early signs of aging. GO LESS curates a simple, yet effective men’s skincare routine in 2 easy steps.

Read below and discover the easiest and ultimate skin routine for men.

Step 1: Use a Gentle Cleanser

When it comes to cleansing men feel that the cleansers or face wash needs to be foamy with scrub ingredients to get that dirt-free cleansed feeling. This is however untrue. Some cleansers in the market, especially those formulated for oily and acne-prone skin strip away the natural lipids from the skin’s natural moisture barrier leaving the skin tight, uncomfortable, and dry. It is critical to choose a cleanser that is SLS and paraben free so that the natural oil of the skin is retained.

We recommend Go less cleansing powder which is a natural face wash formulated with Rhossuol clay gives your skin a gentle, lightly-forming formula to help dissolve dirt, sweat, and other debris without overdrying the skin and further maintain the pH balance for skin hydration.

To use it, dampen your skin and dispense a sufficient amount of the powder. Add water to activate the powder and turn it into mild foam, then massage over your face, rinse thoroughly, and then pat your skin with a clean washcloth or towel.

Go less tip: Instead of hot water which increases dryness – use lukewarm or cold water to rinse your face.

Step 2: Use a Vitamin C Toner

After cleansing, it is important to hydrate the skin with ingredients that reduce skin aging and gives moisturization without any stickiness throughout the day. A vitamin C toner formula helps balance and refresh skin while reducing the signs of fatigue. A toner spray is a perfect application after cleansing or shaving to leave skin feeling soothed, hydrated and comfortable.

For men, we recommend Go less super facial toner, which contains grapefruit hydrosol and vitamin c. This mild toner not only removes the cleanser residue but also helps prepare your skin to remain oil-free the entire day.

To use it, just spray it 2-3 times over your face and then pat it so that the solution gets absorbed in the skin after cleansing or shaving.

The uniquely hydrating 2-step routine helps replenish and strengthen men’s skin in the most natural way without taking away the natural skin’s moisture to help the skin increase its stability and prevent excess oil generation or over-drying. It helps improve the appearance of dry skin, making men’s skin look smoother, healthier, and younger.


This time let’s talk about some of the hyped skincare products that are available in the market. These are the overrated products that are not so helpful or may harm you in some way, but still, people on social media are ensuring that your attention goes to these products, which may not benefit you in any way as claimed by the brands.  Most of these products are not much supported by evidence and are only making claims on hype. Here are some of the overrated and hyped skincare products.


Exfoliation brushes:

Using exfoliation brushes can be quite harmful to your skin. Most of them are made of plastic bristles and rubbing them on the skin on daily basis or incorrectly even occasionally can damage the skin pores in the longer run. Choosing a setting with too much stimulation or settling for a brush that is too stiff can cause inflammation. It can further cause dryness and disrupt the skin lipid barrier of the skin. It is best to use your own hand for exfoliation which is a far better option. Cleansing with a strong oil-busting wash that exfoliates is a much more sure-fire way to eliminate excess oil or any pore gunk.


Blackheads pore strips

Do the blackhead pore strips work? Well in theory it is supposed to clean your pores by clinging to the build-up inside your skin. . These pore strips are made of adhesive material on one side to pull out the open comedones or blackheads. To some extent it is effective, but it comes with a cost of painful experience which otherwise is not required. Overuse of these strips can damage the skin by making the pores bigger. Again a good cleanser with an exfoliation formula is a better option to eliminate blackheads. Natural and superior quality of clay in combination with a harmless foaming agent can be a better alternative to remove blackheads.


Jade rollers

Who doesn’t wants a well-contoured face? Jade rollers in the market claim to offer the same when included in the skincare routine. They are basically rolling stones made out of a semi-precious jade stone that is said to have energy-healing properties to keep the skin youthful and cool. The muscle of the face with age is likely to drop and it is the reality we all have to face. Jade rollers to some extent help target muscle to stimulate and reduce the puffiness but don’t guarantee youthful skin forever. For smoothening away lines, wrinkles, and fading brown spots there are other alternatives available like facial oils in natural or retinoids prescribed by the demonologists.

Pore vacuum

Pore vacuums are basically these suction devices with interchangeable tips to remove blackheads, whiteheads, or dead skin cells. They are mostly used for deep cleansing in the skincare routine and placed on the most congested area of skin to release the excess sebum or dirt from the skin. These are generally safe devices to use but in appropriate settings can cause mild irritation like redness or bruise to the skin. However, they are double-edged sword devices as they may prevent breakouts to some extent, but may also bring out deep pimples to the surface due constant opening of pores.

Of course, there are ways to clean your pores that don’t involve treating your skin and face like a carpet. Trends come and go and brands will capture your attention to grow. It is always good to use minimal skincare with high efficacy and safety profile or atlease proceed with these products with caution. The choice is always yours.

GO LESS advises you that any product or a beauty tool that is causing pain to you must be stopped immediately.

For deep cleansing and exfoliation, we recommend our GO LESS Cleansing Powder.



Did you know that our personality plays an important role in how we behave and also how it influences our daily habits that build the quality of our life and lifestyle? Believe it or not, but it doesn’t limit here, it plays a critical role in our skincare habits and concerns too. Our personality type has a bigger effect on how and which product is important for us to buy, further affecting our skincare habits and routine.

Here are four interesting personality types that reflect your personal care habits and which skincare products you search for.

The Zero Hero: You spend no or little time on skincare and believe in washing off with ‘water’ as a quick solution to all cleansing, toning, and moisturizing needs of the skin. You are not fussy about skincare and many times prefer to use the same body soap, wash, or liquid on your face and hair. You don’t prioritize what brand to select or care anything about the ingredients that are mentioned on the tube. You don’t feel the need to understand your skin type, its problems, or needs but just need a cleansing agent to cleanse the daily dust and germs. You find skincare product search time-consuming and expensive.

Pros: Someone who doesn’t spend time on skincare products or routine tend to save a lot of time and money from buying the wrong products for the skin.  You tend to keep your mind away from any kind of trendy products that may cause possible damage to the current state of skin which is completely fine.

Cons: Washing off skin with only water can be harsh to the skin. None of the skincare problems can be resolved by water. Additionally, using body wash or soaps for face and hair can be harmful because many brands include lye and Sodium Laureth sulfates as a harsh foaming ingredient that strips your skin’s natural oils causing more oil generation, dryness, or sensitivity.


The Minimalist: You prefer to choose less for your skin, limiting it mostly to cleansing and moisturizing so that your skin is comfortable or less tight. You are not too fussy about brands and their claims on the tube or bottles. You are aware of your skin type and wish to keep the skincare routine to minimal to combat your oil or dry skin matters on daily basis. You follow a basic skincare routine with limited products for a long time and keep the confusion of new brands and their claims at the bay.

Pros: Mostly being minimalist in nature, the choice of your products is limited to cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. The multi-step skincare routine is not relatable and living frugally makes sense to you when it comes to skincare.

Cons: Being limited with skincare steps, many times can you miss the crucial step like exfoliation or treating your skin problems like acne, aging, dark spots, dark circles, etc. with correct products. Being frugal with your skincare doesn’t allow you to play around with new products with possible skincare benefits.


The Trend-seeker: You take your skincare extremely seriously. You expect quick and visible results from your skincare products. You have numerous options of cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, and masks ready for your changing needs of skincare and its issues. You follow the beauty influencers for trendy product reviews and their multi-step skincare routine as solutions to your skincare needs. You are not hesitant to study, experiment, and spend time and money on buying new products.

Pros: Being enthusiastic about skincare you are open to advise and suggestions. You are particular about your skincare routine and would not miss steps to perfect skincare, including the required treatments. You are aware of the products and their accurate benefits.

Cons: Playing and experimenting with products and having a multi-step routine can be harmful to your skin causing sensitivity and irritation with time. Sticking to core products is necessary to treat the skin concerns and allow the effects to show up as per the stated time.


The Jaribooti Ved: You don’t trust any market products but only homemade remedies for skin and hair care and issues. You go for DIY formulas with your kitchen ingredients or personally formulate your great-grandmother recipes or are influenced by YouTube instant natural care remedies. To you, chemicals or any harsh skincare products are a big No as they either have caused major harm to your skin in the past or you are concerned about having them in the future.

Pros: Your belief in natural ingredients and their benefits is unshakeable. You avoid the use of trendy or harsh chemical-based products and keep your skincare clean and natural. Proven recipes keep you motivated to continue the use of kitchen ingredients that are safe to use and show the effects of the proven formulas.

Cons: You spend a lot of time developing the DIY recipes and that takes away some of your valuable time as some remedies are successful while others fail to give results. Lack of knowledge of the skin type and kitchen ingredients doesn’t solve the skin issues, in fact, wrongly formulated recipes increase concerns of the skin. Your lack of awareness also influences you to believe the wrong brands of calming herbal and organic products.


Spending time on knowing your skin type and analyzing it once every year with an expert is important, especially after major life-changing events such as pregnancy, menopause, stressful job, or change of place. Selecting the right products for your skin type can continue to provide the required hydration and exfoliation to prevent skin issues and also slow down the aging of the skin.

A skincare routine may sound like high-maintenance work, but in reality, it is essential at any age for the strength and structure of the skin cells.

There is always a first time to everything. If you are open to including a skincare routine then explore the 2 steps GO LESS skin care basic kit here https://goless.in/product/go-less-basic-skin-care-kit/


When it comes to looking attractive, most Indian men limit their thoughts and actions to dressing well. The efforts are mostly limited around the idea of just clothing, accessories and etiquette whereas grooming which play a key role to the overall confidence and personal style of a man is often ignored. This matters, because taking care of skin reflects a man’s choice to deep personal care, a choice to healthy skin which is not only looks good but stays good for longer time too.

It is myth that skincare is a ‘beauty’ category limited to women concerns, it is something that is critical for men too.  Men have skin too and ‘He’ has his own specific issues that needs to be addressed. Avoiding conversations on skincare or limiting it to only shaving and trimming the facial hair restricts him to know how to achieve a healthy skin that can further define his personal style.

It is true, men and women have different skin types and skin issues. Although there are key differences between men and women’s skin- for example men’s skin is thicker and more prone to oiliness but the skin basics are similar. Whether they want to admit or not, men do need to have at least basic skincare regime in place to keep their complexion clear and skin healthy. Maybe all the serums, cleansers, retinoid, mist etc. can be mystery to men, there are simple and basic steps for men to start a skincare regime today.


It is a no brainer, but it vital for men to cleanse their face regularly. Men’s skin tends to be oilier than woman due to the skin gland being bigger, generating more oil on their skin. Just washing face with good high quality natural cleanser daily is sufficient keep the acne, oiliness and other skin problems at the bay.


The signs of aging is often ignored by men until they realised they look like grandfather and then it is too late. Once a day a night facial oil or natural serum is sufficient to keep the skin supple and wrinkle free.


Even if the above two steps are ignored, men must not ignore the reality of a sun damage to skin. To prevent sun damage which leads to wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer it is important to apply a high quality (approximately SPF of 30 or higher) to skin before leaving for outdoor work. Including a sun protection step ensures a youthful skin.


No more lying, but acne is not a problem that men faced only during the teenage times, the fight still continues. A mineral based clay mask used once a week is sufficient to fight the acne on time. A simple 15 minutes of treatment pack will help eliminate toxins and prevent breakouts on the skin. GO LESS Green Clay Mask is a perfect one and is free from artificial fragrance and doesn’t irritates the skin.


No matter what anyone says – Feeling confident and looking attractive does play a critical role to a better life.

Three unknown reasons that are silently aging your skin.

Lack of use of organic or plant based skincare: In literal sense, we all know ‘you are what you eat’. The same applies to your choice of skincare consumption too. When organic and plant-based skincare is consumed by your body, the rich and original properties of plants and herbs organically frame your skin with a nutrition rich layer which are primarily great for the longevity of the skin. The ingredients of vegan skincare products are rich with natural vitamins and antioxidants that make them effective in treating skin issues.

Most of the premium, conventional and medicinal skincare are mainly filled with chemicals, or made out of genetically modified materials, animal by-products or by harming the environment. Skincare made this way usually leave a synthetic residue of chemicals over the skin. Even though they give results overnight, but has the condition to recur after sometime, causing increased sensitivity, reactions, irritation or acne on the skin.  This is not in the case of plant-based products, though the results are slow and gradual, they are long-lasting, hence perfect to battle the skin aging.

It is always best to change your skincare products from chemicals to plant-based, only when you know it is better way of life.

Too much use of active products: Most of the skincare products in the markets includes heavy use of active ingredients (ingredients that promises to resolve the particular skincare issues) which are mostly pharmaceutical drug or pesticides that are biologically active. They are mostly present in medicinal and premium skincare, promising the fast and effective solutions to your skin woes. The problem arises when too much of highly concentrated ingredients or using too many products at the same time causes irritation, dryness, redness and potential chemical burn. All these further contribute to damaging the natural elasticity of the skin, thus making skin age rapidly.

Too many products means too many active ingredients through product-layer steps, leading to excess of active ingredients on the skin. Hence, ‘it’s not a matter how you are resolving the skin issue, it matters what you are using to resolve.

Buying products on advice of non-experts: Instead of taking time out and paying attention to your skin and its problems, many unconsciously follow the popularity vote and opt for products that is advised by industry leaders, beauty influencers and sometimes also innocently advised by family and friends. But this is not always the best route, because every person’s skin is different and there is no one-size-fits all skincare solution. What had worked for your sister or best friend may not work for you. Both ingredients and moisturizing agents of anti-aging lotions, creams differs for particular skin type. While glycerin, aloe Vera or ceramides may worked for your friend but doesn’t guarantees the same for you. An individualized approach with help of an expert of the field is crucial to find skin products as per your age, lifestyle and need of long care of the skin.

Cutting on the guess work and following a skincare that is skin specific is the correct way to retain the youthfulness of the skin.

Explore products that are made with less ingredients with the focus to give more to your skin. Discover the limited range of GO LESS skin care products here https://goless.in/shop/


Minimalism is a lifestyle that is based on the philosophy of owning less and living a simple and intentional life. It is about embracing a few things and believing that “less is more” to live moreThe famous myth attached to practicing minimalism is that one has to sacrifice or disown things to live. Ironically, minimalism focuses on keeping things that are essential and doing things that matter. It is all about owning only what adds value and meaning to life.

Now let’s talk about skincare and minimalism and how choosing less for skin brings value to your life.

We live in a world where we are constantly encouraged to buy more, do more, and achieve more when it comes to skincare. We are forced to compare ourselves with others and mimic a trend. This causes confusion, leaving us to make complex choices when it comes to skincare. Complex choices lead to complex shopping choices impacting health and the planet.

Why is it important to practice minimalism when it comes to our skincare? And the answer is quite simple, minimal ingredients-based skincare is focused on providing space for your skin cells to breathe, glow and nurture with visible results. Apart from this benefit, once we GO LESS on our skincare routine, we realize that there is absolutely no need to fill our cabinets with chemical-based lotions, serums, masks, creams & gels and choose for multi-functional skincare items with strong efficacy claims.

Minimalism and conscious consumerism are trending, where skincare consumers want to use fewer, more effective products. Minimalists’ approach is also about selecting the best, and in skincare vegan products top the list. Natural and vegan skincare has become the preferred choice of many skincare consumers, as they are chemical-free, cruelty free and reduce strain on the environment.

GO LESS reckons upon the idea of providing you with hand-crafted vegan products that leave you with concerned-free skincare and help you focus on things that matter the most in your life.

Rhossoul clay is one of the toxin-free ingredients for skin and hair treatment.

Clays were always a part of beauty routines for thousands of years- besides, they are known for having the properties to banish blackhead, lift oil and dirt from pores they are also loaded with skin nourishment minerals.

Rhoussoul clay is 100% natural mineral clay powder and in one of the most versatile natural ingredient in vegan skincare. Filled with natural minerals, Rhoussoul Clay nourishes and acts as a moisturizer and keeps the skin bacteria away. Having Moroccan roots dates its usage for centuries and was known to be the most loved skin care ingredient for the eastern world, Versatile in nature it imbibe healing properties that works as a shield for your skin leaving it super healthy.

Today, Rhoussoul clay has emerged in the modern world as a powerful, toxin-free skincare ingredient for skin and hair treatments and considered as natural remedy. Research shows that a single use of Rhoussoul clay can improve skin clarity by 68% and skin firmness by 24%. Due its fine texture, it is an excellent choice for all skin types.

All that we consume is creating an impact on our planet. And when it comes to skin care, recent research shows us that our skin absorbs 60% of what we put on. So when we make a choice to buy any product for our skin, it is not just we impact our planet but we take a chance with our skin too.  Switching to a vegan skin care routine is always a good choice. As sustainable and green beauty is becoming call of the hour.